Blinded me with science tab
Blinded me with science tab

blinded me with science tab

Meanwhile, Lee introduces himself to Shane. In confessional, Mody states two sceanarios. He says only if it cleans his conscience, which shouldn't be dirty as the rest of him. He offers to team up with him in the forest, and Mody agrees. Dave aplogizes to Mody, saying that he'll never make it out alive. But, right when he was about to, Dave pulls his shirt to him. Jim then asks Liz if they're going in or not.Īs Mody doesn't want to go to the forest alone, he was going to ask Mike. Liz states dinosaurs were gone sixty-four-million years ago, so that wouldn't make sense. He states that there's nothing more impressive than death by dinosaurs. Jim asks Liz if she wants her death to be impressive. Jim states he's hoping dinosaurs are in the woods, and Liz looks concerned. Liz then asks Jim if he would like to team up with her. Rosie said she's going to find Sarah, and walked off into the direction Sarah ran off in. Rosie sarcastically stated that he can help her catch up to Sarah, rather than slow her down. She starts to cry, and runs off into the woods, proving Rosie wrong.Īs Sarah left, Jordan joined Rosie, and stated that since he's so awesome, he'll escort Rosie. She states that neither of them are the fastest or anything, but Sarah cuts her off saying that she's calling her not fast because she's fat. Sarah states that she's terrified, and Rosie asks her if she wants to team up. Sarah and Rosie start to bond with each other, and Rosie asks her is she feels confident. As Dave starts burping, Mike tells Mody it's either the forest, or Dave. PlotĪt the beginning of the episode, Mody states he's too scared to go through the forest. When one contestant is sick of another, he manipulates him, thus causing his elimination. The competition is heating up as the three teams are formed. Run through a forest where they keep projects hidden from environmentalist groups, then take a quiz on science on the other side.

Blinded me with science tab